Governance & Risk Management , Zero Trust
Webinar | How To Build Trust And Maintain It... In A Zero Trust World
If trust exists on a continuum with no trust at one end and complete trust at the other, where does trust in someone’s identity lie? It’s somewhere in between - pushing closer to no trust, in the interest of security, but not quite yet reaching the “zero trust” ideal on which we’ve fixed our gaze.
Join our webinar and learn how incremental steps in the direction of zero trust can pave a more realistic path - one that for now moves us to the least trust needed to align with both what business needs and what keeps it secure.
View this exclusive session where our speaker reveals why:
- Trust is a continuum with no trust at one end and none at the other. Both extremes are impractical. We live in the middle. Security is about pushing closer to none but to do so responsibly. There are always business tradeoffs: friction for users, interruptions in efficiency, increases in cogs, increases in complexity, etc. We are supposed to optimize investment in decreasing trust to get less risk while balancing business speed and flexibility. There are diminishing returns if we go too fast! The job of brakes on the car isn’t to make the car stop or standstill, it’s to give the car the opportunity to go fast and with confidence.
- Nobody would want actual Zero Trust right away. Imagine if nothing was provisioned or built or ready to go and had to be built “just-in-time” and then maintained on a continual basis? Getting there is great if we go by incremental advances. Jumping there would be a recipe for disaster. Perfect is the enemy of the good.
- You should think of Least Trust as the moving goal every year to get closer to our ideal. Make it iterative. Involve the business. The biggest problem in security isn’t how to catch bad guys or how to get the right level of trust, it’s how to align with the business. So use the notion of a progressively less trust work stream to align and coordinate and work with the business. Is it more important than more sales or a new application coming online? Maybe and maybe not. Make Least Trust your ticket to business dialog and a seat at the table.