Fraud Management & Cybercrime , ID Fraud
Identifying Synthetic Identity Fraud
Fraudsters are increasingly turning to synthetic identities to commit Application Fraud. Synthetic identities wreak havoc on traditional validation and authentication methods, costing your business time and money. Are you ready to take a stand against Synthetic Identity Fraud?
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Join this session for an exclusive on Synthetic Identity Fraud, featuring Shirley Inscoe, Senior Analyst with Aite Group and Jeffrey Feinstein, PhD, Vice President of Analytic Strategy at LexisNexis® Risk Solutions.
The session will provide a detailed overview of the growing challenges of Synthetic Identity Fraud including:
- Identifying synthetic Identity fraud attempts
- Strengthening fraud defenses with multi-factor authentication
- Mitigating synthetic identity attempts on the front end of a transaction
- Minimizing onboarding impacts on legitimate customers