Fireside Chat: Protecting Your Critical Infrastructure: Understanding Dual Sides of Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity is a two-sided proposition, requiring both defenses of internal networks and operating effectively in the cyber domain. The first side is to secure the networks that are undoubtedly necessary, organizing budgets, deploying people, processes, and technologies to secure the infrastructure. However, the weakest links in the cybersecurity posture are people and the facilities where the sytems are hosted physically. As you can guess, that is the far or second side of cybersecurity, that the teams should not lose sight of the need to couple the defense of their networks with appropriate resources dedicated to combatting criminal, terrorist, and other threats to secure their overall environment. How do you protect your IoT, OT, and SCADA systems against threats? Is there a strategy to deal with the external threats?
See Also: Nudge Toolkit: Your Key to Enhanced Cybersecurity
A fireside chat will experts discuss:
- Preventing attacks against using CPTED design;
- Security by design approach using SQuaRE standards;
- How does Information Sharing help responding to threats.