Business Continuity Management / Disaster Recovery , Cybercrime , Cybercrime as-a-service
Johnson & Johnson CISO Marene Allison to Retire
Longtime Cybersecurity Leader Reflects on Career, Projects Future TrendsShe has been a CISO almost longer than there has been cybersecurity. And now Marene Allison, CISO at Johnson & Johnson, eyes retirement and her next adventures. She reflects on her career, her accomplishments and what she wishes for her successor and the next generation of cybersecurity leaders.
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In a career-spanning video interview with Information Security Media Group, Allison discusses:
- Her post-retirement plans;
- The evolution of the CISO role;
- Advice to the next generation of CISOs.
As chief information security officer for Johnson & Johnson, Allison is responsible for protecting the company's information technology systems and business data worldwide. This includes ensuring that the company's information security posture supports business growth objectives, protects public trust in the Johnson & Johnson brand and meets legal/regulatory requirements. She has held corporate roles at Medco, Avaya and The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company; served as an FBI special agent and in the U.S. Army; and graduated from West Point in the first class to include women. She is on the boards of H-ISAC and West Point Women.